
This time.

This time I won't be whining about how life has been horrible to me. This time I'll tell you something good. I'll try to show you how life really is.

Something really good has happened to me. The opportunity you don't always get. Before this thing happened, I was always overly reacting at unexpected things.

I might sound tacky now, but this is how I really feel.

This smile really has lighten up my day. That smile gives me the courage to do things. I don't know how, but it calms me down and makes me believe that everything will be just fine. And those eyes, those are the eyes that will make you regret every single second spent without staring at them.

I know I should be careful of what I'm thinking, but I think this person has somehow opened my eyes and made me know that I should start living in the present again.

What I'm trying to say is, when you work hard, something good will come to you.